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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

On to the Web.

Congratulations. You've packaged your first piece of Shout3D content.

It's now ready to be uploaded to your Web server to be viewed by the whole world. This involves moving all the necessary files in the proper directories. The Wizard makes this easy.

Check to make sure that the Optimize archive option is set to "false," and then press the Publish button. In a short while, all activity will stop and you'll find all the files you need in the published directory of your Shout3D installation. Go to that directory and double-click on the file named autogen_rotatingWindow.html to make sure it's working.

There's a bit more to know about getting your files properly uploaded to your server, especially about the subject of creating optimized archives that contain only the precise Java classes that your project requires. You can work through this process in the workflow tutorial or find exhaustive information in the User Guide.

Click Here to go on the Shout3D Workflow Tutorial.

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